European Vacation

European Vacation

May / June 2008

Sometime in early 2007, Anne & Mike asked us if we would be interested in going to Europe in the spring of 2008. Judy & I thought about it for about 10 milliseconds and said yes. We would be visiting Ireland, Paris, and London. Anne & Mike made the detailed plans for Ireland and London while Linda would meet us in Paris and took care of the Parisian itinerary. Anne, Mike, and Linda generated a detailed 9 page itinerary for the trip. They were the ultimate tour guides. The pictures of the European Holiday were selected from over 2,000 pictures taken by Anne, Mike, Linda, Judy, and me.

Things we’ll never forget:

In Ireland:

The friendly people, the windshield wipers vs turn signal, the road signs, the Irish dialect, the flat tire, the castles, smooching the Blarney Stone, the Irish breakfasts, “minding” the gap, the B&B’s, the narrow roads, the hop-on-hop-off tour guide, the green countryside, the pints of Guinness, the martinis(?), peat burning fireplaces, the Seafarer Play at the Abbey Theater, the historical sites, the pubs, the generosity of Anne & Mike.

In Paris:

The sidewalk cafes, the Louvre, the Mona Lisa, the food, the Opera House, the history, the champagne, the 200+ year old restaurant, walking down the Champs-Elysees, the historical sites, the Asian tour groups, the drowse cafe customer, the museums, the Gypsies, the Chunnel, the generosity of Anne, Mike, & Linda.

In London:

The Buckingham Palace, changing of the guard,  the security at Heathrow airport, the museums, the London tour guides, Oxford university, London city, the street performers, the real martinis, Jack the Ripper walk, Gone With The Wind play, The Lord of the Rings play, the generosity of Anne & Mike.

On the way Home:

The medical emergency stop in Goose Bay Newfoundland(not for one of us), being awake for almost 26 hours.

Click on one of the icons below to view images from our fantastic holiday.

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